

Recently there were a lot of documentaries (for the german/french speakers here´s an interesting one from arte.tv), books, reports and articles about aluminum. When it comes to industry it´s one of the most widely used metals. You´ll find aluminum nearly everywhere, like bikes, cans, buildings, windows, foils, doors,  SLR´s, in paints (even the color on our food; all those colorful sweets) and beauty products. Especially when we´re talking about deodorant´s, the beauty industry uses a bunch of aluminum. So I decided to check out where to find an alu-free deodorant, and I found this one by the german company Heliotrop Naturkosmetik. It feels so soft and smells like an fresh fruitshake on a hot summer day at the beach. I mean if a deodorant can create such a feeling. What else could you ask for? 

Roundup: Even when the experts might hold differing views when it comes to aluminum. For my opinion this substance should be handled with care. Particularly when it is on/in our food or daily care product. 

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